Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Govt Club Christmas Party

December 8th, Ho ho ho…
9:00-1:00, Ho ho ho…

Dirty Santa(gift exchange), ho ho ho…
Bring a $5-$10 gift, ho ho ho…
We’ll play super mega amazing games, ho ho ho… such as apples to apples, ninja,mafia,ect. Ho ho ho…

Must bring: ho ho ho…
If yo last name starts with: ho ho ho…

A-H: Drinks
I-Q: Snacks
R-Z: Desserts

Veterans are welcome!!! Ho ho ho…
Government club, constitution, And every other class welcome! Ho ho ho…

(And we will be having Constitution Class and Shakespeare class after the party -- and this is our last week for Wednesday club, classes, etc., until January 12.)


There is an Arts and Crafts Sale at Creative Learning Connection next Tuesday evening, December 7 from 7 pm to 9 pm. There will be a table for baked goods (fundraiser for the entire club) and a table for crafts (fundraiser for individuals who participate). Please let Mrs. Jaime or Maggie know if you are participating in either or both.

Youth Leg Details

It looks like we will be taking students to Youth Leg this year. We would leave on February 24 and return on February 27. The price goes up on December 21, so I strongly encourage students to sign up by December 20.

Prices and sign up links can be found at

We have discussed in club meetings that it will be necessary for me to meet with a parent from each family before we go, so please understand that before you register your student. I will be scheduling a meeting for sometime in January, and will be available to meet privately with any parents who cannot attend a meeting. But it is critical to me that we are all on the same sheet of music on the importance of rules, in particular the new ones -- for instance, students will no longer be allowed to take anything electronic -- to include, but not limited to, cell phones and laptops.