Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Upcoming Govt Club Meetings/PracticesTeams

We only have 5 meetings between now and our November scrimmages!
During our next meeting (September 28) we hope to go over directs and themes for each side. (Lawyers should still be working on their crosses during this time.)
Our current October schedule is to fine tune Crosses the first week in October, focus on objections during the second week, and openings and closings during the third. (That gives us one week between those and the scrimmages.)

The Montgomery Defense team is planning to practice at CLC at 1:00 on Mondays. We still need to set a time for the Montgomery Prosecution team.

The parts we currently have assigned are:

Montgomery Defense team:
Heidi - Defendant
Cara - Parent
Eli - Gunsmith
Ben - Cross Taylor ("friend")
Kayleigh - Cross Police Officer
Tori - Cross ATF Agent

Montgomery Prosecution team:
Maggie - Taylor
Gaelin - Police Officer
Kemper or Aaron - ATF Agent
Aaron or Kemper - Cross Gunsmith
Katie cross?
Jacob - cross?

Scrimmage Defense team:
Mitch - Defendant
Vincent - Parent
Mary - Gunsmith
Lissa - cross Taylor
Brad - cross Police Officer
Destiny - cross ATF Agent

Scrimmage Prosecution team:
Chloe - Taylor
Brandon - Police Officer
Kirsta - ATF Agent
Sonia - cross Defendant
Sam - cross Parent
Micha - cross Gunsmith

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mock Trial teams - latest

Thank you all (well, mostly all!) for being nice to my substitute yesterday while I was at the hospital with my daughter. She's on the road to recovery.

We're trying to get closer on our determination of teams. We got a list yesterday of people who wanted to go to Montgomery - but I forgot to tell them to ask about whether students wanted to be lawyers or witnesses...So, if you can post here which you want or if you don't want a preference, that would be great.

Mrs. Jaime

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mock Trial teams

We will need to get an exact count of people wanting to be on Mock Trial teams this year as soon as possible. (Last year the YMCA filled all their spots within a week or two of opening registration.) Especially those of you who have been on teams, if you can know by the Open House on Wednesday, that would be great!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011 - 2012 Open House

We will be having our Open House at CLC on Wednesday, August 31 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Please mark your calendars. More details to follow.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Congratulations to the 2011-2012 Board

New officers:
President - Ben
VP - Kemper
Treasurer - Maggie
Secretary - Kayleigh
Historian/Chaplain - Victoria

Congratulations all.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Power is back at CLC

I hope everyone is doing well after the storm. We are still without power at our home, but the power and internet is back up at CLC. So we will plan to have Govt Club and Wednesday classes this week. If you can make it fine, but if you are still dealing with after storm issues, and getting here is tough, please don't stress about it. We will plan to hold the presidential elections tomorrow as planned, but remember you can email me your votes if you can't attend.

Again, I hope everyone is safe and relatively unscathed by the storm. Our prayers go out to the families that suffered great loss.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Upcoming Election

We will be voting for President next Wednesday (May 4). Victoria, Ben, and Jacob are running for President. (We will be electing the other officers the following week.) A vote was taken today to allow absentee voting. If you are an active member of the Govt Club and cannot be present on May 4 or May 11, you may vote in advance for the officers. In order to do so, email me with your vote(s) before Government Club starts that week.

If you are voting for President, please send me your first choice and your second choice. (Your first choice will be your vote in the election. Your second choice will only be used if there is a run-off election and your first choice happens not to be in the run-off.)

April 27

As of 6 a.m. this morning, Madison City Schools are delayed because of severe weather. We will keep an eye on the weather as the morning progresses - but if the weather stays bad, please stay home! More as I know more.

Today's plans are to watch Mr. Smith goes to Washington - if weather keeps up, we can move that to next week. Also, we need to announce who is running for President. If you haven't contacted me yet, please do so this morning. I will post it here by lunch time if we don't have Govt Club today.

Monday, February 28, 2011

youth leg/mock trial/D.C.

Great job everyone at Youth Legislature! I am very proud of everyone. I hope a good time was had by all, and that you all learned LOTS in the process! Special recognition goes to Sonia Jaime for an award for an outstanding delegate in Junior Youth Leg, to Kemper Gokeman for being an outstanding delegate in First Year, to Aaron Cecil for one of the outstanding bills in the House, and Ben Hubbard for being THE best Senator (an award our delegation has never gotten!)

We've been invited to go to Birmingham for a Mock Trial Tournament in April! We will go down on Friday, April 8, and compete on Saturday, April 9. Registration costs are $30 per student and additional costs will be determined when we make our hotel reservations and figure out which vehicles we're driving down, but should be roughly $40 to $50 each.

Sorry for the rush, but we need to figure out teams and get started this week. If at all possible, please know by Wednesday whether you plan to commit to be on a team. As usual, we won't need the additional money until we go, but we need to get the $30 registration paid by next week, so either this Wednesday or next, please plan to bring that.

Speaking of April and money, we have talked about the possibility of another Government Club trip to Washington, D.C. The only dates I see that are even possibilities are the weekend after the Mock Trial competition, most likely Thursday, April 14 through Monday, April 18. It's very difficult to give precise figures for total costs until we have a better idea of how many are going, vehicles, etc. But based on our last two D.C. trips, I expect it to be in the $300/student range. I would like an initial count on who things they would be interested/available to go in the next week or two, and then I can narrow more of that down.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More Youth Leg Details

Final details (I hope):
Dress code for travel is casual. Dress code for the event is Suit and Tie, dress pants, or skirts (only if pre-approved by Mrs. Jaime).

Dress code for walking around in the evening is jeans and a t-shirt.

Thursday’s schedule:
2:00 Leave here
3:15 Leave rest area
4:30 Arrive at Peach Park
5:30 Leave Peach Park (we will be eating dinner there)
6:30 Arrive at the Hotel
7:00 or 7:30 practice debate for their Officers.

Bring $100.00 in small bills ($20s are fine) on Thursday or bring a check made out to “Catherine Jaime” next Wednesday 2/23. The $100 covers our gas, the two meals while we’re traveling, and our extra night in the hotel.

Bring your own breakfast. Hotel does not provide breakfast. No microwaves or refrigerators either. We suggest you bring instant oatmeal, hot chocolate or hot cider, granola bars, etc.

Remember NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES, NOTHING WITH AN “ON” AND “OFF” STICH OR PLUG. Mrs. Jaime WILL confiscate them! If your parents need to get ahold of you see Mrs. Jaime to get her cell phone number.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Bills need to be finished this week!!!

You can upload a completed bill here:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Huntsville Homeschool Prom

For those that are interested:

It's getting closer and closer to time for the Huntsville Homeschool Prom. As many of you know, this is the second year we've held the prom, and last year was a huge success. We expect this year to be even better. This is to let you know that members of the prom committee will be at Creative Learning Connection this Wednesday, January 26th. We will be selling prom tickets, so please have your students bring their money if they are interested in attending. Remember, the price goes up the closer we get to the date of the prom, so please buy your tickets early. For more information about prices, etc, please go to

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More Youth Leg Details

The price goes up again on January 28, and bills have to be submitted in their final bill by then. Soooo...I need anyone still planning to register for Youth Leg to do so ASAP -- but next Wednesday, January 26. And I need bills submitted by then too! Email me if you have any questions.

(BTW - TN Mock Trial is the same weekend as Youth Leg this year, so we will not be doing TN Mock Trial this year, sorry.)

Monday, January 10, 2011

January Classes Begin...???

Classes/Govt Club will now resume at CLC when the weather permits! If Madison City Schools cancel because of weather, we cancel our classes, too. See you guys sometime soon!

Our first government club meeting will be about writing bills, whichever week it is, and then we'll schedule from there...