Friday, September 24, 2010

Govt Club Meeting: Wednesday, September 29

The primary focus of our last Govt Club Meeting was to get the teams made, and we primarily succeeded in that effort. We have filled two Montgomery teams and two scrimmage teams at this point, and we can put together a third scrimmage team if we have the interest. (So don't worry if you aren't on a Scrimmage team yet and want to be.)

The main purpose of the next meeting is a Mock Trial practice -- with the emphasis on the Scrimmage teams...For those of you on a Montgomery team, I would still like you to attend on the 29th -- but with the understanding that you are there to help! (And three of you need to turn in paperwork by then, also!) Montgomery team members need to determine one or more weekly practice times that work for you guys, and get back to me...My preferences are Monday, Thursday, or Friday...

So for all of you on Scrimmage teams that left Wednesday feeling a little overwhelmed, we're not expecting you to figure this all out on your own. Come back Wednesday with your cases and we'll see if we can bring more of this into focus for you. And if you aren't on a team yet, and want to be, the 29th would be the day to take care of that.

Questions, contact me at

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