Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Upcoming Govt Club Meetings/PracticesTeams

We only have 5 meetings between now and our November scrimmages!
During our next meeting (September 28) we hope to go over directs and themes for each side. (Lawyers should still be working on their crosses during this time.)
Our current October schedule is to fine tune Crosses the first week in October, focus on objections during the second week, and openings and closings during the third. (That gives us one week between those and the scrimmages.)

The Montgomery Defense team is planning to practice at CLC at 1:00 on Mondays. We still need to set a time for the Montgomery Prosecution team.

The parts we currently have assigned are:

Montgomery Defense team:
Heidi - Defendant
Cara - Parent
Eli - Gunsmith
Ben - Cross Taylor ("friend")
Kayleigh - Cross Police Officer
Tori - Cross ATF Agent

Montgomery Prosecution team:
Maggie - Taylor
Gaelin - Police Officer
Kemper or Aaron - ATF Agent
Aaron or Kemper - Cross Gunsmith
Katie cross?
Jacob - cross?

Scrimmage Defense team:
Mitch - Defendant
Vincent - Parent
Mary - Gunsmith
Lissa - cross Taylor
Brad - cross Police Officer
Destiny - cross ATF Agent

Scrimmage Prosecution team:
Chloe - Taylor
Brandon - Police Officer
Kirsta - ATF Agent
Sonia - cross Defendant
Sam - cross Parent
Micha - cross Gunsmith

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